Preventing Carpal Tunnel with Single Impact Air Knockers

By CVC Team

We were recently asked by one of our foundry customers to quote our 1200 SI Air Knockers to replace hammers used by his employees to beat on the side of casting forms in order to free the casting from the mold. Because of the current process, they currently have two employees on workman’s compensation with carpal tunnel problems related to using hammers to loosen the castings. With the SI series developed to replace such manual processes, we can mount the vibrator on the mold and control the number of hits per minute plus control the force of the impact that the piston strikes the mold with our timer and five port spool valve set up.  This simple solution can not only save the health of the employees, but also thousands of dollars in lost time and claims.  If you have a manual process requiring employees to use hammers to dislodge material from molds, bins, hoppers or chutes, contact us to see if we can help.

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