Industrial Vibration Industry Watch

Craig Macklin

Value of Industrial Vibrators Part 2: Feeding Cows…and Me

By Craig Macklin

If you didn’t read Part 1: $100,000, you should immediately.  It is life changing.

All set?  Great.  Welcome back.  Incredible wasn’t it? If you didn’t really go read it, you might struggle with your conscience later, but you should still be able to follow the rest of this post fine.

Similar to the value of vibration in diamond mining catching my attention, the value of industrial vibration to feeding cows also caught my attention.  Why??  Read More…

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Craig Macklin

Slack Fill Packaging and Economics of Marketing vs. Material Cost

By Craig Macklin

Not too long ago, I was speaking with Jack regarding a letter he was writing regarding the extra space he found in the packages of Non-Dairy Creamer Powder he likes.  His theory was that the powder product was settling after packaging and during transport, which was leaving more space in the package than was needed.  He was writing to the manufacturer to suggest that they investigate a vibratory table to settle the product during packaging, which would allow them to make the packages much smaller (likely ~25%) and save significant dollars on the material for the packages.  I stipulated that the extra packaging Read More…

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Craig Macklin

Value of Industrial Vibration Part 1: $100,000/hour

By Craig Macklin

As it happens, I am rather new to this industry.  My background is primarily in the world of theoretical products and service of Enterprise Software systems and implementation consulting services.  Two years ago, the uses of industrial vibrators were pretty foreign to me and anyone that I would happen to correspond with on a day-to-day basis.  I, like most people in the world, didn’t really know what a critical role industrial vibration plays in our economy.  In coming to Cleveland Vibrator Company, I did know that we made a real, tangible, product that you could put your hand on and easily identify the differences in quality that make ours better than others in the market.  I was attracted to that.  In my first year of education on our market, though, my view of the value of our product offering rapidly expanded.

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