Rotary Electric Motors

Craig Macklin

Brake. Don’t Break.

By Craig Macklin

To the casual observer, Vibratory Equipment might look like pretty simple stuff.  You just slap some vibrators on the thing to make it shake, right?  Anyone can make that!  Well, as we’ve seen in some other detailed posts from Jack Steinbuch, there is more than meets the eye to designing and building something that will work and last.

One design feature that we have offered and recommended in the past is the Dynamic Brake. I say that we offered in the past because we are now moving to just make Dynamic Brakes standard features.  We recognize that many folks may not know what a Dynamic Brake really does in order to see it as a good option to add.  However, as you will see in the explanation and video here, it is more than a good option.  It is the right way to build controls for vibratory equipment.  We feel so strongly about doing things the right way.  So, we are now just including it as standard feature.

To explain the Dynamic Break, we need to start with a quick review of the vibratory motors that make the equipment work.  A vibratory table, feeder or screener uses two rotary electric vibratory motors (or shaker motors) that counter-rotate.  Read More…

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One Size Fits All – Part Deux!

By CVC Team

I enjoy movies and unfortunately for my wife, I’m not a particularly discerning movie viewer.  I can usually find some redeeming value in most movies, particularly if I get the DVD from the library, the dollar per laugh ratio is pretty hard to beat!  I have a bit of a soft spot in my heart for spoofs, even today I still get a kick out of movies such as “Hot Shots, Part Deux.”  More than once I’ve felt like the character Dexter, the guy they sent the men in to rescue and then sent the men in to rescue the men they sent in to rescue Dexter!  Sometimes I have to exclaim “you don’t understand.  I can’t walk…..they’ve tied my shoelaces together.”  Oh well, such is life.

In a previous Blog I talked about “One Size fits all….Not!” and how Cleveland Vibrator ‘tailors’ our line of fabricated equipment to meet the specific needs of our customers.  We certainly continued to do that last year.  Looking back at 2014, my engineering drawing log shows that we generated 3d models and associated drawings for twenty different flat deck vibratory tables, FA, configurations.  The smallest vibratory table was a FA-1818 RE 220-6(2) (18 inch square deck size) to the largest being a FA-6060 (60 inch square deck size).  In addition to the FA style units we also generated six different grid top vibratory tables, GT, which interface with a customer’s gravity or power roller section.  One of these Read More…

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Customer Service is Not a Department, It’s an Attitude.

By CVC Team

I was processing a very nice order from one of our resale accounts in Texas and it reminded me of how we lost then re-acquired them and they have now become one of our better accounts. They started with Cleveland Vibrator back in 1994 and would order industrial vibrators here and there up to 1999, then simply vanished off our radar. Seven years later, in 2006, they contacted our marketing person at that time about purchasing weight covers for Rotary Electric Vibrators. I believe these motors were used on dewatering screeners. From what it would seem, one of our competitors would not supply this company with the weight covers and only wanted to sell them the complete drive motor. This simply doesn’t work since the weight covers serve two very important functions. One is to keep impurities and foreign matter out of the electric vibrator, not allowing the accumulation of the matter on the weights. Two, the covers act as a safety shield from anyone coming in to contact with the rotating eccentric weights. Read More…

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Guilty Until Proven Innocent… Why Cleveland Vibrator’s Repair Services Prove to be Top Notch

By CVC Team

When you supply a product that is the main drive source for a particular piece of equipment it, usually takes the first blame when the equipment doesn’t function properly. Such was the case back in July when one of our larger O.E.M. customers (Original Equipment Manufacturers) contacted us on a drive failure problem experienced by one of their customers who mine gold in Canada. The Rotary Electric Drives were mounted on a dewatering screener and per the end user customer they have experienced failure of 4 to 5 vibrator motors since May and normally they last for years. With Cleveland Vibrator on the nameplate of the vibrators, it was understandable the customer would look to Cleveland Vibrator for answers plus bear blame for their problems.

They contacted the O.E.M. who in turn called us to asked if we would call them directly. We followed up the same day and discovered with our initial conversation the motors were over 12 years old. This is a long time for a vibratory motor to last in this type of operation. Read More…

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Firestone & Cleveland Vibrator Team Up to Showcase at Pack Expo 2014

By CVC Team

Back in the spring of 1996 I was finishing up work on my engineering degree, had interviewed with The Cleveland Vibrator Company and had accepted their offer of employment.  My start date was in June, but first things first, I needed to finish up the degree and then get to work.  Sometime after accepting the job, Glen Roberts, my future boss, had gotten the idea that it might be beneficial for me and the company for me to spend the day in Chicago walking the Bulk and Powder Show.   This would give me a quick overview of the industry.   I think this was the second time I’d ever attended any type of trade show and the first for me when I knew I’d be involved with the industry targeted by the show.  Since then I’ve been fortunate to work a number of shows, Bulk and Powder, Foundry, World of Concrete, Interphex, NPE – Plastics showcase and the Pack Expo.  The Cleveland Vibrator has products in all these industries, both equipment and individual vibrators.  Again, that diversity of customers and applications is what helps keep it interesting and “entertaining” here at Cleveland Vibrator.

A couple of weeks ago I got a call from my local distributor for Firestone isolator products.  Read More…

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Clean Your Pipes Part II

By CVC Team

We worked with a local cement manufacturer who had asked for Cleveland Vibrator’s assistance on clearing up flow problems in 8″, 10″, 12″ and 14″ diameter flow pipes. The accumulation had built up over several years partly to moisture contamination through worn out seals in the pipe flange connections. Cleveland Vibrator visited their facility and quoted our SI Single Impact Air Knockers, due to what we understood was severe blockage in the pipes. We soon found out they intended to take down the flow pipes and hammer out most of the cement lodged inside.

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Craig Macklin

Vibrators Don’t Damage Equipment, Wrong Installations Do

By Craig Macklin
Sterling Systems micro ingredient batching systems-closeup

Recently, I took a whirlwind trip through the heartland. During this trip, I had the opportunity to visit plants and equipment makers installing and using vibrators. While in the field, I encountered damaged equipment, including cracked hopper walls that had to be re-welded. 

Too often, the vibrator gets a bad rap in these situations. However, in reality, the damage is a function of incorrect sizing or installation of the vibrator. So to clear up any misconceptions, here are three easy recommendations to prevent future equipment damage:

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