Industrial Vibration Industry Watch


How To Choose Quality And Effective DC Vibrators For Your Salt Spreader

By Zach Church

As winter approaches, taking time to ensure that salt spreader you have on your truck is optimized to its fullest potential is essential to making quick work of the snow and ice heading your way. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or perhaps a first-time user, choosing the correct DC truck vibrator can make a huge difference in the performance of your equipment. 

Here are five important things to keep in mind: 


Begin by checking the size of your spreader hopper. Cleveland Vibrator’s line of DC truck vibrators come in several sizes so it’s important to select the one that best fits your needs. The MG-80 and its 80 pounds of vibratory force is a perfect choice for smaller tailgate spreaders. However, if you have a larger, slide-in V-Box spreader, you would be wise to opt for a heavy-duty solution like the MG-200 which boasts 200 pounds of force. In some V-Box applications when even more vibratory force is needed, one option is to mount two vibrators – one on each side of the spreader. 

PRO TIP: Product stickers and powder coating don’t mix well with harsh winter conditions so keep a written copy of the make/model of your spreader as well as the make/model of your truck vibrator handy so you can access that information easily in case you need to reference it later. 


Proper installation is key to ensuring that your vibrator continues to function optimally. It’s always a good idea to keep the following things in mind when purchasing and installing a truck vibrator:  

  1. Use a steel backing plate to mount your vibrator. Not only will it extend the life of your spreader, but your actual vibrator will also last much longer.  
  1. When uninstalling an older vibrator from your hopper, be sure to inspect the area around the bolt holes to make sure the plastic isn’t cracked.   
  1. Although you want to make sure your mounting bolts are tight, be careful not to overtighten (See No. 2 above). A snug fit will help prevent wear and tear on your hopper. 

Installation is a good time to check anything/everything that might be happening behind the scenes on your hopper. When left unchecked, those little things can turn into big problems down the road. For more helpful installation steps and tips, click here for our handy vibrator instruction manual.  


Extend the life of your vibrator by following these maintenance best practices: 

  • Avoid carrying the vibrator by the cable. 
  • Leave slack in the cable during mounting. 
  • Be cautious when pressure washing the hopper, avoiding direct water pressure on the vibrator. 
  • Handle the spreader with care, considering the presence of the vibrator during unloading. 
  • Tighten bolts securely to ensure the vibrator can perform its job effectively. 
  • Check the duty cycle in the vibrator’s manual to prevent prolonged operation. 
  • Make sure the vibrator has proper ventilation. Overheating a vibrator can cause internal motor component failure. 

When it’s time to replace your DC truck vibrator, it’s easy (and tempting) to simply copy and paste your previous order. But making sure you have the right equipment is critical and it never hurts to get a second opinion. If you find yourself in doubt about your selection – or if you have general questions about your unique needs, don’t hesitate to contact a member of our sales team. They’re available from 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday and can be reached by phone, email, or via a handy chat feature on our website. Simply provide your spreader model number and someone from our team will guide you toward the ideal solution for your needs. 


Even though it’s hard to believe sometimes, winter won’t last forever and the good news is that Cleveland Vibrator’s line of DC truck vibrators aren’t exclusive to winter applications. If your company also handles any type of landscape work in warmer months, that same hopper is often used with grass seed, fertilizer, and other materials. And the same type of moisture issues that can wreak havoc on your ability to smoothly spread salt or ice melt can also severely limit your ability to smoothly spread those items.  

Beyond those areas, our expansive line of vibratory motors and equipment are utilized in mining, recycling, concrete and aggregates, food and pharmaceuticals, plastics, powders, foundry operations, and many others. You can explore their versatility and see photographs of them being used in real-life applications in the extensive application gallery found on our website.  The benefits of using vibration in manufacturing operations is endless – and well documented.  

In conclusion, selecting the right DC truck vibrator for your salt spreader is a straightforward yet essential task. By considering hopper size, following proper installation procedures, and adhering to good maintenance practices, you’ll ensure your equipment performs at its best when you need it the most. Choose wisely, operate carefully, and tackle the season with confidence. 

If you have any questions or need additional assistance, we’re always just a message or phone call away. 

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Mike Stratis

MG Electric Truck & Trailer Vibrator: How To Quickly & Safely Unload Material

By Mike Stratis

If you are in the truck and trailer industry servicing dry bulk materials, you know how much of a headache unloading materials like grain products, DDG, aggregates, and road salt can be when it sticks to the inside of your end dump or hopper bottom trailer. So, to ease the stress of these material flow problems, The Cleveland Vibrator Company introduced our 12 VDC electric-powered vibrators, the MG Truck and Trailer Vibrators, which are designed to handle tough material flow challenges and eliminate sticking material for any load size.

DC Vibrator, MG Vibrator, Truck and Trailer, Truck and Trailer Vibrator, Trailer Vibrator, Electric Vibrator, electric vibrating motor
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Craig Macklin

Introducing Fastfeed Corporation: How Can Automation Solve Part Handling Problems and Save Money?

By Craig Macklin

When I was young(er), I remember hearing that robots would replace everyone’s jobs.  Almost immediately I thought:

It seems like a good job will be building robots.

Who is Fastfeed Corporation?

Due to The Cleveland Vibrator Company’s recent acquisition of Fastfeed Corporation, I am proud to realize that childhood dream! Fastfeed Corporation is a manufacturer of unique automation systems for high volume and high-speed applications in assembly, sorting, and packaging. Coming at a time when the unemployment rate in the U.S.A. is at ~4%, it is critical to high volume manufacturers to eliminate reliance on humans to handle repetitive functions on production lines.

That’s where the automation offered by Fastfeed comes into play. As a result of streamlining applications in assembly lines, sorting lines, and packaging stations, opportunities for automation can be easily identified and achieved.

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Mike Stratis

Does Industrial Vibrator Jargon Get You Down? The Vibration Experts Got You Covered!

By Mike Stratis

When it comes to terminology and lingo within the vibration industry, many times there are multiple names for the same piece of equipment. We will review what those are and explain what they mean.

Bin or hopper vibrators have many subcategories of vibrator types, just within this single product line itself. Let’s break it down.

Figure 1

Air vibrator or pneumatic vibrators can be the following:

  • Piston type
  • Ball type
  • Turbine type
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Steve Chinn

Frequently Asked Questions About Rotary Electric Vibration

By Steve Chinn

In 1923, The Cleveland Vibrator Company began its journey in the exciting world of industrial vibration, specifically the use of pneumatic powered options for foundry applications. As we ventured into other industries, we noticed a new trend: the demand for electric-powered motors.

Soon after, we decided it was time to explore this exciting new opportunity and set out to find a partner specializing in electric-powered vibration. We eventually partnered with an outside company to supply this demand from our customer base. As with any new venture, we experienced a few hiccups along the way; lead times were too long, insufficient force options available, and the lack of “Cleveland Vibrator Quality” our customers came to expect.

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Katy Sabo

5 Awesome Things You Need To Know About Industrial Vibration

By Katy Sabo

Working for the Cleveland Vibrator Company, you can imagine how many times I get the question, “what exactly do you mean by vibrators?” It’s a question I answer with great pride and enthusiasm… and maybe add a little bit of humor for good measure. When I go on to explain just how important vibration is across so many industries, the shock factor withers away and people are engaged in the conversation, wanting to learn more about it. There’s a couple of things you should know about industrial vibration and why it may be one of the coolest fields to work in, here’s the short list to get you started:

It’s Diverse – It’s true. Industrial vibrators can be found on the side of bins, hoppers, silos, barges
and on screening, conveying and compaction equipment. Have you passed a large dump truck lately on the highway? I’d venture to bet there may be a DC vibrator hiding away underneath the body Read More…

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Craig Macklin

Recommended Pneumatic Vibrator Manufacturers in the USA

By Craig Macklin

Every year, our team here talks to and visits hundreds of pneumatic vibrator users about their use, applications and installations.  Believe it or not, we aren’t always reviewing our own work!  Through this field experience and our vibrator repair services that will evaluate and repair ANY manufacturer’s vibrator, we have gained a lot of knowledge about other strong and reputable air vibrator manufacturers in the United States and Canada.  Cleveland Vibrator may not always be the right fit.  So, here is a list of other reputable manufacturers and our learned view of their strengths:

Houston Vibrator (Houston, TX): Houston Vibrator is a multigenerational family business that has been manufacturing and applying industrial vibrator, pneumatic and electric, for decades.  The offer multiple options of pneumatic piston vibrators, railcar vibrators, ball vibrators, turbine vibrators as well as Italvibras Rotary Electric vibrators and light duty vibratory table.  They are great people that know their trade.  If Houston Vibrator consults you on your application for vibrator selection and installation, have great confidence that it will be correct.

Global Manufacturing (Little Rock, AK): Global Manufacturing manufactures and applies pneumatic, hydraulic and electric vibrators, including ball vibrators, turbine vibrators, Read More…

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Katy Sabo

Sand Isn’t Just For Beaches…

By Katy Sabo

The sun is shining, the ocean waves are crashing down, and I am enjoying a book on Hilton Head Island… OK. SNAP BACK TO REALITY. Living in Northeast Ohio, one could imagine our winters are long and summers fly by quicker than we can blink. Beach daydreaming is a favorite pastime of mine but also inspired me to right a little blurb about a visit made to a customer right here in Cleveland who deals with that soft every day of the year. The visit gave me a little taste of that soft sand between my toes, literally…

No, I wasn’t lounging in my beach chair, but instead hiking up on top of sand filled silos and learning all about what exactly sand is used for in day-to-day life. One of our fantastic customers invited myself and Glen Roberts to come out and see our Rotary Electric Motors in use on their chutes they use to keep bulk sand flowing through it’s heating, cooling and separating process. If you have read any of my previous blogs, you would know I am a complete sucker for history and find it fascinating to learn all about different processes and how they have evolved over time. This facility we visited was no exception. This plant has been located right off Lake Erie since the 1940’s and has original sand at the bottom of its silos since it’s opening day still present today.

Our trip was quite eye opening and once again, I was completely awestruck over the idea that such a simple material I have played in since I was a kid, played a major role in creating everyday items. We learned there are three different “grades” of sand all serving specific end product use. Read More…

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Katy Sabo

Why Recycle Glass? The Answer Is Clear

By Katy Sabo

Remember the days of “Tube TVs” and “Low Radiation” computer screens?

I remember walking into Cleveland Vibrator and seeing, what I would describe as, the land of misfit computer screens that had been stored away through the many years that Cleveland Vibrator has been in business. One day they disappeared and the land of misfits was replaced by trade show accessories. Working here has opened my eyes to the many industries that don’t get the attention they well deserve, especially recycling. Recently, I was invited to visit a customer whose specialty was Glass Recycling of old TV screens and computer monitors. Ding, ding, ding, the lightbulb went off… this is where those “misfits” disappeared to. This got me thinking, what exactly can recycled glass be used for?

The glass used for these old monitors and displays is referred to as CRT, Cathode Ray Tube Glass, and it is estimated that the typical CRT device is made up of between 15 to 90 pounds of glass (depending on device) that protects the users from the radiation produced by the electron gun and beam gun inside that device. Since the emerging high demand of LCD, LED and Plasma Screens of the 2000s, it is an estimated 57 million computers and televisions are sold annually in the U.S. according to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Households are now discarding old models of outdated technology at a much higher rate than we have ever seen before. Read More…

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The 8 Steps of Ceramics Processing and Industrial Vibration

By CVC Team

“To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.”Marilyn vos Savant

You know those ceramic dishes your mom uses to serve Sunday dinner? What if I told you that Industrial Vibration played a part in making those dishes possible?

The Ceramics Industry covers a wide range of products from traditional ceramics, such as pottery and chinaware, to technical ceramics for chemical, mechanical or thermal applications. I will provide you with a brief overview of the manufacturing process of traditional ceramics. I will help you see where Industrial Vibration fits into the processes as well, so brace yourself; here we go!

What exactly is Ceramics?

Ceramics can be defined as a class of inorganic, nonmetallic solids that are subjected to high temperatures for manufacturing use. I spoke about the term “traditional ceramics” which will be the focus of this post. These are ceramic products that are produced from unrefined clay, and combinations of refined clay and powdered or granulated non-plastic minerals. This includes pottery, stoneware, chinaware, porcelain, etc. To create these end products, the ceramic matter needs to go through the traditional manufacturing process, which goes as follows:

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